ExfoliatorsProduct Reviews

Pumpkin Enzyme Mask Reviews

3 Mins read

Fall brings a delightful array of scents, with pumpkin being one of the favorites. In the world of skincare, the pumpkin frenzy has given rise to a popular product: the pumpkin enzyme mask. Today, I’m here to share my experiences with two well-known pumpkin enzyme masks: Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask and Bliss Powerhouse Pumpkin Face Mask.

Related Post: Pumpkin Enzyme Masks: Do They Benefit Your Skin?

Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask ($15.99)

This mask, boasting a mix of fruit stem cells, vitamin C, glycolic acid, manuka honey, and organic pumpkin, is a sensory delight. The scent? A heavenly pumpkin pie aroma that instantly soothes the senses. It comes in a small plastic jar tinted a translucent orange color with 1.7 oz of the product.  The application instructions are to apply it after cleansing and leave it on for 10-20 minutes. I recommend applying smoothly and generously, as it feels just as comforting as it smells. After use, my skin felt refreshed from the exfoliation but also hydrated, thanks to the inclusion of honey, a natural humectant.

Related Post: Honey in Skincare: Should it be in Your Routine?

I found it effective for exfoliation, leaving my skin soft and refreshed. However, for those with sensitive skin, it’s crucial to note that this mask packs a punch due to the added glycolic acid, causing a slight tingling sensation. If you’re new to exfoliating products, consider using it only once a week at first to build tolerance.

This is a great example of a pumpkin mask that centers the pumpkin for a festive feel but also has ingredients added to the formulation to make sure it delivers real results!

Purchase on Andalou’s Website – ($15)

Bliss Powerhouse Pumpkin Face Mask

While this mask promises gentle exfoliation with its natural AHAs and pumpkin enzymes, it felt different from what I expected. The Bliss Powerhouse Pumpkin Face Mask comes in a white jar with 1.7 oz of the pumpkin enzyme mask product. The application instructions are to apply a thick layer after cleansing, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then gently massage and rinse it thoroughly. The texture was grainy due to the presence of lemon and rice powders, serving as physical exfoliants. While my skin felt clean and smooth post-use, the combination of chemical and physical exfoliants left it slightly dehydrated. The pumpkin scent was faint, with a medicinal undertone.

For those with sensitive skin, the absence of intense tingling makes it a milder choice. However, be cautious due to the physical exfoliants, which, if not used gently, can cause microtears on the skin.

In summary, Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask offers a delightful experience with its rich aroma, effective exfoliation, and hydrating properties. On the other hand, Bliss Powerhouse Pumpkin Face Mask, while providing a clean feeling, falls short in terms of hydration and might not be suitable for those adverse to grainy textures.

If you want more options for pumpkin skincare products there are other options.

Related Post: Fall into Radiant Skin with A Pumpkin Mask: 9 Worth Trying in 2023

Remember, skincare is personal. What works for one might not work for another. Always patch-test new products and pay attention to how your skin reacts. Stay tuned for more insights into skincare products, ensuring you invest wisely in products that cater to your skin’s unique needs. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, drop a comment below. Your journey to radiant skin starts here.

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