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Fragrance Sensitivity: Is Fragrance Bad For Skin?

3 Mins read

written by: Allison Goins, Ph.D. | Published on June 22nd, 2021 at 12:05 pm | Updated on January 22nd, 2024 at 9:05 pm

Fragrance is such a tricky topic in skincare. In the realm of beauty products, fragrance can really elevate a product for some. Yet, for others, it’s not all roses and rainbows; it triggers an unwelcome reaction. Surprisingly common, fragrance sensitivity is worsened by the fact that nearly 95% of household and beauty products contain fragrances, sometimes without us even knowing due to labeling loopholes.

What Causes Fragrance Sensitivity? | How Do Fragrances Interact With Your Body? | Understanding Your Body’s Response to Fragrance | Verdict on Products with Fragrance

About the Author: Fragrance fan or foe? Dr. Allison here, Ph.D. in hand, unmasking the science of scent in skincare! My articles? Deciphered from peer-reviewed research, not buzzwords. Today, we tackle fragrance sensitivity: friend or foe to your skin? Get the facts, minus the fear-mongering. Let’s navigate the scent-sational world of skincare, together!

What Causes Fragrance Sensitivity?

Pinpointing the exact chemicals causing reactions can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. The European Commission has a living list of 26 fragrances that they recognize 26 as allergens, but that’s just a fraction. For a substance to be labeled an allergen, extensive reporting and studies are essential, leaving potential triggers unexplored and unlisted.

The Way Fragrances Interact with Your Body

Fragrances are created using molecules called volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are molecules that can evaporate at room temperature. Evaporation is the process of a liquid transforming into a gas, and the gas molecules can travel through the air into your nasal cavity and onto one of the more than 400 types of scent receptors. When these molecules reach your nasal cavity, they stimulate scent receptors, sparking unique neural responses that form our perception of fragrance. When VOCs touch the skin, they can lead to contact dermatitis, although the exact mechanisms are still a mystery.

Understanding The Immune Response to the Fragrance

Our immune system’s interaction with fragrances is complex. When unfamiliar chemicals enter the body, antibodies step in. These proteins release histamines and cytokines, triggering intricate biological responses. Histamines are often responsible for the characteristic rash and swelling of allergic reactions. Fragrance sensitivity emerges from this ongoing interplay between the immune system and fragrance compounds.

One of the ways your body’s cells do this is by secreting antibodies. Antibodies bind to the surface of materials and make a “friend or foe” judgment based on whether they recognize the material’s surface or the chemical.

If the antibodies negatively react to the chemicals or materials, they will secrete histamines and cytokines. Cytokines recruit other cells to the area and can initiate biological reactions. However, histamines are one of the primary molecules responsible for the common characteristics associated with an allergic reaction. Some of these characteristics are rash and swelling. Fragrance sensitivity is a product of the process happening over and over again.

Beauty Products That Contain Fragrances and Can Cause Fragrance Sensitivity

So let’s get back to beauty and skincare products that contain fragrances. When beauty products containing fragrances are applied to your skin, the fragrance-producing chemical compounds are small enough that they can be absorbed through the epidermis. The epidermis is the protective barrier of your skin. It protects the dermis, which is the layer of skin that contains the cells in your body and blood vessels. Once the molecules get to the dermal layer of your skin, the immune response we talked about earlier begins.

This is why you can develop contact dermatitis or an allergic reaction to products containing fragrances. Another thing to note is an allergic response to a material can develop over time after multiple interactions. You will not necessarily have an allergic reaction after the first use. The more times it is applied, the more times your body can develop a sensitivity to the material. And a sensitivity can be developed to any material that is not native to your body.

Empowering Your Skincare Journey

Understanding fragrance sensitivity can make you a better consumer of skincare products; it’s an empowering exploration of your skin’s intricacies. By grasping the world of fragrances and the body’s responses, you take a proactive step toward wiser, more informed choices. Delve deeper into our insightful articles, where we demystify skincare complexities and share expert insights. You can stay in the know with our newsletter, your gateway to expert advice and radiant skin. If you are trying to figure out where to start with building your skincare guide, download our simple skincare builder guide.

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