Beauty Basics

Demystifying Your Skin Barrier: What Is It and How Does It Get Damaged

6 Mins read

written by: Allison Goins, Ph.D. | Published on : January 9th, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Ever wondered why cold or dry weather leaves your skin parched, or why certain products make your face feel like it’s on fire? The culprit could be your skin barrier, the super thin shield responsible for safeguarding your body from the world. Understanding this microscopic hero is the first step to achieving a radiant, healthy complexion. Fear not of information overload! This article will be your ultimate guide to the skin barrier, from its brick-and-mortar structure to practical tips for keeping it strong and resilient. So, buckle up, let’s dive into the fascinating world of your skin’s first line of defense!

The Whole Article Is Full Of Great Information But We Don’t Mind If You Get Straight To The Information You Want!

Layers of the Skin | Primary Functions of The Skin Barrier | What Happens When Your Barrier Gets Damaged | What Causes Barrier Damage? | Repairing Barrier Damage | Your Skin Type and Your Skin Barrier

About The Author: As someone who spent years geeking out about the way materials affect the cells in our body (a fancy way of saying I have a Ph.D. in materials science with a focus on tissue engineering), I’m here to tell you – there’s a whole hidden world beneath your everyday epidermis.

The Layers of the Skin

Most people know that your skin is your largest organ, but you might think your skin is just one layer that wraps around your body to protect your insides. And based on what can be seen with the human eye, this makes sense. But if you were to look at your skin with a microscope, you would actually be able to see three distinct layers. In order from inside out the three primary layers of the skin are called the subcutaneous layer, dermis, and epidermis.

layers of the skin that encompass th skin barrier

The Subcutaneous Layer: Your Plush Padding

Think of this layer as your built-in bubble wrap. This layer of primarily fat cells, cushions your muscles and organs, protecting them from bumps and bruises. It behaves like the ultimate shock absorber.

The Dermis: The Mastermind Behind the Curtain

This is where the skin magic happens! The dermis is like the central hub, housing the collagen and elastin factories that keep your skin bouncy and youthful.

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It’s also where environmental stimuli like UV rays trigger melanin production, your natural sunshield. It’s basically the brainy layer, always working hard to keep you healthy and glowing.

Epidermis: Your Loyal Gatekeeper And Skin Barrier

This outermost layer is your fierce protector. It acts like a brick wall, stacked with skin cells and sticky fat molecules (ceramides) that keep the bad stuff out – pollution, UV rays, and even your skincare products (if they are too large). It’s the barrier between you and the world, and keeping it strong is key to healthy, happy skin. You cannot have good skin without a great skin barrier!

What is Your Skin Barrier Really There For?

As the gatekeeper between your insides and the rest of the world, your skin barrier’s primary functions are:

  • Preventing excess water loss, you will often hear about transepidermal water loss (TEWL). TEWL is when water can cross from the lower layers of your skin to the outside of your skin because the sticky fat molecules which usually repel the water have holes. An intact barrier ensures this water will be kept in to hydrate your skin keeping it plump and youthful looking.
  • Preventing and responding to the invasion of unwanted microorganisms that can make you sick
  • Reduce the effects of UV light on a day you get a little too much sun.
  • Mitigate the effects of reactive oxygen species that can get to your dermis and wreak havoc. Reactive oxygen species can break down your collagen and elastin, kill cells, and cause a ton of inflammation in your skin.

But What Happens When the Wall Falls (Or Gets a Little Cracked)?

Think of a damaged skin barrier like a cracked brick wall. Tiny gaps let irritants and nasty stuff sneak in, leading to redness, dryness, and even acne. When the lower layers of your skin are exposed to these irritants your skin will not be happy. It’s like your skin is constantly on high alert, feeling itchy, and uncomfortable; doing everything it can to get your attention that something is wrong.

If you think you may have a damaged skin barrier, some of these symptoms might sound familiar:

  • Dry, flaky patches that you cannot hydrate or moisturize away
  • Itchy, rough skin that makes you want to scratch (don’t!)
  • Discolored patches or red, inflamed areas
  • Acne breakouts that seem to come out of nowhere
  • Sensitivity to ANY products you apply (even the ones your skin usually loves)
  • Overly oily skin (if you are not typically an oily skin type)

The Culprits Behind the Crumbling Wall:

If you pay really close attention to your skin and are hypervigilant about your routine you might immediately know what new product or environmental change is irritating your skin. But other times you can honestly have no clue what is leading to painful and frustrating manifestation of skin barrier damage.

And honestly, sometimes it can be something that is completely out of your control. Your skin faces a daily barrage of irritants, some from the environment(think harsh weather, chemicals, too much sun, or even products that you apply) and some from within (stress, genetics, even certain medications).

The key to keeping your skin barrier healthy is understanding what triggers your skin and showing it some TLC when you start seeing the signs of a damaged skin barrier.

Repairing the Wall: From Bricks to Bricklaying

The good news is, a damaged skin barrier isn’t a life sentence. Here’s how to rebuild your wall and get your glow back:

  • Gentle is the name of the game: Ditch harsh soaps and cleansers. Opt for gentle, hydrating formulas and pat your skin dry instead of rubbing.
  • Moisturize like a pro: Ceramides are your new best friends. Look for moisturizers that replenish these key barrier boosters.
  • Sun protection is non-negotiable: UV rays are major barrier busters. SPF 50 every day, rain or shine!
  • Chill out, skin: Stress can wreak havoc on your barrier. Find healthy ways to manage it, like exercise, meditation, or even getting enough sleep.

Your Skin Type And Your Skin Barrier

Typically we classify our skin as normal, oily/acne-prone, or combination. If you are not familiar with skin typing CeraVe has a great resource for determining your skin type. As a quick summary when your skin barrier is healthy if you cleanse your skin:

  • And your skin starts to get oily all over you after about 20 minutes you probably have oily skin
  • If there are areas of your skin that get oily and there are other areas that look and feel neutral you probably have combination skin
  • If your skin looks and feels pretty neutral all over you probably have normal skin

While skin types are a great way to generally classify skin; you can sometimes misclassify your skin type because you have a chronically compromised skin barrier. Here are some of the most common skin type classifications that can actually be a result of barrier damage.

Sometimes you will hear a reference to a dry skin type, but for most people, this is the result of a compromised skin barrier. When your skin barrier is compromised you can lose excess water, making your skin feel very dry and tight.

Additionally, people who think they have sensitive skin can sometimes have sensitized skin from a damaged skin barrier. Sensitized skin comes from a damaged skin barrier because the extra sensitive lower layers of your skin are exposed. If you do not address your damaged barrier you will always have this sensitive feeling which can lead you to believe you have sensitive skin.

Lastly, oily skin can also be a symptom of a damaged skin barrier. In some cases, your skin can respond to a damaged barrier by producing excess oily to try to recreate the oily layer and prevent the moisture it does have from leaving your skin.

Remember, your skin is a complex ecosystem, and understanding its layers is the first step to keeping it healthy and happy. So, put down the textbook (for now) and explore your skin’s hidden world – you might just find the key to a radiant you!

P.S. As a PhD in skin science, I’m always digging into the latest research. If you have any questions about your skin or specific barrier concerns, drop a comment below! I’m here to help you decode your skin’s secrets.

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