ContentsScience of Popular Ingredients

Squalane’s Benefits, Do You Need It In Your Routine?

3 Mins read

written by: Allison Goins, Ph.D. | Published on May 8th, 2021 at 6:05 pm

Have you ever heard of squalene or squalane and wondered about squalene’s benefits? If so, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into these intriguing skincare ingredients, explore their advantages, and uncover the science behind this emerging skincare trend.

Exploring the Benefits | Understanding Squalane | Where Does Squalane Come From | Squalane’s an Antioxidant | Non-comedogenic Function | Moisturizing Abilities | Squalane vs Squalene | Other Uses for Squalane

About the Author: Skincare sleuths, assemble! Dr. Allison here, a science enthusiast with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. Sure, my day job might not involve pipettes, but my fascination with how things interact with skin never faded. That’s why I founded Relatable Science – a haven where I translate the often-opaque language of research into actionable advice for you. My articles? Fueled by deep dives into peer-reviewed studies, ensuring you get the latest data on ingredients like squalane – decoded for your bathroom counter, not a lab bench. Today, we’re exploring this skin-loving superhero, uncovering its science-backed powers for hydration, barrier repair, and even calming irritation. We’ll separate hype from hard facts, leaving you with informed choices to achieve that healthy, radiant glow you deserve. So, ditch the confusion and embrace the power of knowledge with me! Let’s unravel the mysteries of squalane, one research paper at a time.

Exploring Squalane Benefits

Squalene is a rising star in the world of skincare, and for good reason. This lightweight, non-comedogenic oil is claimed to offer a myriad of benefits. It is marketed to permeate your pores, interact with skin cells, and boast anti-inflammatory properties that combat redness, swelling, eczema, dermatitis, and even rosacea. Additionally, there are claims that squalene serves as a humectant, meaning it moisturizes and diminishes the appearance of wrinkles. Some even claim it can work wonders for your hair, providing moisture, enhancing shine, and preventing breakage.

Understanding Squalane

At its core, squalene is an oil naturally found in the human body, primarily in sebum. Sebum is the oily substance our skin produces to keep itself moisturized and protected. Squalene is present in other places too though.

Where Did Squalane Come From?

Squalene’s discovery dates back to the early 1900s when it was named after the genus of an animal it was first isolated from – Squalus. This genus is associated with a group of dogfish sharks. While there are other sources of squalene, sharks have the highest concentration of it in their livers. In marine animals like sharks, squalene aids in maintaining buoyancy while swimming through the vast oceans.

dogfish shark from the genus squalus that the ingredient squalene is named after

Unlocking the Antioxidant Power of Squalene

In the human body, squalene is a chemical produced by your skin’s barrier. Some research has shown that it functions as a UV protection enhancer because it is an anti-oxidant like vitamin C and can scavenge free radicals. When UV light reaches your skin, it generates harmful radicals. Molecules with anti-oxidant properties can bind with these radicals, and shield your skin from damage. Free radicals can also lead to inflammation in your skin, which is why squalane is also considered an anti-inflammatory. This is why claims about squalene’s anti-oxidant properties hold scientific merit.

woman with sun burnt skin that is peeling. She is wearing a black tie bikini

The Non-Comedogenic Wonder

Furthermore, squalene’s small oil molecules allow it to penetrate your skin and engage with dermal cells. As we learned from the collagen and hyaluronic acid discussion, ingredient effectiveness depends on their ability to reach the right skin layers. Squalene’s penetration capability supports its non-comedogenic nature. It doesn’t clog pores but instead reaches the dermis, where it can work its magic.

Image of a woman's foreheard with comedones on her face

Related Post: What is Hyaluronic Acid?

The Moisture Miracle

Lastly, squalene’s role as a humectant, locking in moisture and reducing the appearance of dehydration-induced wrinkles, is scientifically grounded. Similar to hyaluronic acid, squalene can grab moisture from the environment and moisturize your skin, giving it its humectant prowess.

Squalene vs. Squalane: Unveiling the Difference

One important note here is the distinction between squalene and squalane. Some formulators use these terms interchangeably, but their chemical structures are in fact different. Squalane, with its single bonds, is more stable. However, this stability comes at the cost of losing squalene’s anti-oxidant properties. While squalane remains a humectant and skin-penetrating champ, it doesn’t offer the same anti-oxidant benefits as squalene.

Beyond Skincare: Squalene’s Other Roles

image of a vaccine and syringe. Squalene is used as a adjuvant in vaccines

Interestingly, squalene isn’t limited to skincare. It plays a role in vaccines as an adjuvant. Adjuvant are materials that can make your body’s immune response to a vaccine stronger to make it more effective. However, there’s a growing concern among animal rights activists as the primary source of squalene is sharks. With the increasing demand for squalene in COVID vaccine development, shark populations could be at risk. And the same is true as the ingredient becomes more popular in skincare which is why biotech alternatives to producing squalane are commonly used.

Take the Next Step in Your Skincare Journey

Now that you’ve learned more about squalene’s benefits, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge to work. Are you ready to transform your skincare routine and achieve the radiant, healthy skin you’ve always dreamed of?

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